O. Petteri Hirvonen
Petteri Hirvonen is the CEO and CSO of Replicon Health Ltd. He has operations responsibility in R&D, finance, and business operations. In Autumn 2018, Petteri Hirvonen joined the PhD program in exercise physiology of the University of Jyväskylä. This new activity was a continuum of scientific research on health and exercise effects of D-glyceric acid (DGA), this research path was originally initiated in 2013. Future research and publications serve Mr. Hirvonen’ role as the CSO of Replicon Health Ltd.
Petteri Hirvonen possesses some 30 years of relevant experience on building reduced statistical forecasting models for ultra-complicated systems like e.g., cellular and whole-body energy metabolism, Monte Carlo cash flow simulations, and forecasting the GDP growth of a small open economy. Forecasting alternative scientific results in advance and thereby creating the possibility to reject unlikely alternatives forms the basis for e.g. the discovery of the mitochondrial activation by DGA. Petteri possesses deep understanding of reduced/smart mathematical modelling of ultra-complicated systems ( econometrics / biometrics), and molecular physiology of energy metabolism.
Prior to starting as a full-time employee in Replicon Group in 2003, Petteri Hirvonen was a Senior Partner and the Chief Economist of Mandatum Bank. Before Mandatum he worked in economic research in KansallisBank (Nordea). During late 1980’s Mr. Hirvonen acted as a researcher in the Research Institute of Finnish Economy (ETLA) where he built statistical forecasting model for the Finnish GDP. With that model Mandatum Bank was the most accurate forecaster of Finnish economic growth in the period of 1996-2001.
Petteri Hirvonen graduated from the University of Helsinki in 1988 (M.Sc.(Econ)). The topic of his master thesis was the above-mentioned statistical forecasting model for Finnish GDP made for ETLA. At the same time Mr. Hirvonen lectured courses in statistics in Helsinki University. In 2003 he received an MBA degree from the Helsinki School of Economics (Aalto University) with two majors: Finance and Biotech Management.